A multiverse... a writer... the possibilities are endless.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Explanation As To Why, Exactly, I Have A Multiverse In My Head

In a phrase? I'm a writer.

Not that, of course, that marks me out as special in any way, shape, or form; it simply implies that, yes, there is a legitimate reason I have a multiverse in my head.

Which, in and of itself, is a pretty bewildering statement. But, hey! My blog, my mind, and I'm damn well within my rights to say what I please. Could be worse.

So, to come back to the point, the multiverse that currently takes up a large portion of my brain (the other portion is saved for teenage fantasies and good frying recipes, which, oddly enough, pop up pretty often in the multiverse) is entirely responsibvle for any lapses in sanity you may have been witness to. Any and all, as a matter of fact.

But the true purpose of this post is not to complain about the lack of equilibrium between my creations and myself (I'll magnanimously save that for another post), but to introduce you to myself.

Oh -- and a warning for all future posts. If anyone is inclined to steal these characters or plots or locales for anything other than a pre-requested story and/or doujin, I will do my very best to bring you to justice. Clear? Excellent. I was scared I'd have to threaten you with my cattle-prod.

Soon I'll post on my current universe -- the continents of Anadou, Kep'po, and Buma. Look for that relatively soon, and if it's not up in two weeks, I'm a lazy bum and you have the right to call me such. Until then, this writer is returning to her crazy, mad-cap, hectic day.

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